The Ntha Foundation is a Malawian-owned education trust which fosters the use of creativity and innovation for development. The organisation was founded in 2018 under Hillside Investments by Nthanda Manduwi, and later incorporated as a non-profit company (a company limited by guarantee). Ntha Foundation aims to assist in the creation of sustainable businesses and employment, in the long-run boosting the private sector. This is done by fostering the use of creativity and innovation to advocate for socio-economic transformation through strategic communication.

As a youth-led and youth-serving organisation, we take immense pride in not just being a business, but a powerhouse of organisational strength that drives our success and innovation.

Watch this video to learn more about why the Ntha foundation was established.

We share with you some of the core elements that make us a force to be reckoned with:

🤝 Unified Vision and Purpose: Every individual at the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre under the Ntha Foundation is united by a shared vision and purpose. We believe that our collective efforts are what propel us forward, allowing us to overcome challenges and reach new heights.

🌟 Talented and Diverse Team: Our team is our greatest asset. We’ve brought together a diverse group of professionals who bring unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table. This diversity fosters creativity and ensures that we can tackle problems from multiple angles.

💡 Innovation and Adaptability: Stagnation has no place in our organisation. We thrive on innovation and adaptability, constantly seeking new ways to improve our products, services, and processes. Our willingness to embrace change keeps us ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving market.

🔒 Resilience and Perseverance: Challenges are inevitable, but at Ntha Foundation, we view them as opportunities for growth. Our resilience in the face of adversity and our unwavering perseverance allow us to navigate tough times with grace and come out stronger on the other side.

📚 Continuous Learning Culture: Learning is a lifelong journey, and we’re committed to it. Our culture encourages continuous learning, skill development, and personal growth. This not only benefits our employees but also keeps our organisation dynamic and competitive.

🌐 Global Outreach, Local Impact: While we have a global presence, we believe in making a positive impact at the local level. Our outreach initiatives and community engagement efforts reflect our commitment to giving back and making a difference where it matters most.

📈 Data-Driven Decision Making: Informed decisions are the bedrock of success. We rely on data-driven insights to guide our strategies and actions, ensuring that our choices are backed by evidence and analysis.

💬 Open Communication Channels: Communication is the glue that holds us together. We foster an environment of open dialogue where ideas are freely shared, feedback is welcomed, and collaboration flourishes.

🌱 Sustainable Practices: Organisational strength goes hand in hand with sustainability. We are dedicated to conducting our operations in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, contributing to a better future for all.

👥 Community-Centric Approach: Our community is at the heart of everything we do. We listen to their needs, anticipate their desires, and strive to exceed their expectations. This community-centric approach fuels our success and longevity.

Through our efforts at the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre, our organisational strength isn’t just a concept – it’s a living, breathing reality that guides our every move. We’re not just an organisation; we’re a collective of passionate individuals working in harmony to achieve greatness. Join us on this journey as we continue to redefine what it means to be an organisation powered by strength. 💪🌟

To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hub, initiatives and projects, follow our social media pages:

Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Chief of Operation:, Mr. Victor Caeser Gondwe via victor@kwathucentre.org, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.

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