Digi Savvy Graduation (Mangochi, 2023) | DIGITAL MALAWI PROJECT

The Ntha Foundation in collaboration with the Digital Malawi Project and the Public-Private Partnership Commission (PPPC Malawi) with generous support from The World Bank held its second graduation on July 28th, 2023. The graduation ceremony, which took place at Excel Primary School in Mangochi, ran from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, was an exciting event as 145 participants graduated in Digital Skills Training, and Nyenyezi Fellowship: Entrepreneurship Training.

Graduates with staff interacting on their special day

The event began with welcoming remarks and testimonies from participants, followed by a speech from the Hub Manager. The graduates were celebrated for their accomplishments and urged to continue to push their limits to unlock more opportunities in the rapidly evolving technological world.

Our Hub Manager, Ms Linda Mchawi.
Our Managing Director presenting certificates

The Chief Operations Officer, Mr Victor C. Gondwe, gave a closing speech that emphasized the significance of the Digital Malawi Project, which has trained over 600 young people in digital and entrepreneurial skills in the past five years. The graduation ceremony ended on a high note with congratulations and well-wishes to the graduating class of 2021-2023.

Our Chief Operations Officer, Mr Victor C Gondwe, giving his speech

In conclusion, the Ntha Foundation, with support from its partners, has taken a significant step towards addressing the digital skills gap in Malawi. Congratulations to the Digital Malawi classes of 2021 – 2023 on their graduation, and we look forward to seeing the impact they will make in their communities and beyond. 

The graduates!

To learn more about the Digital Malawi project, click here.

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