The Summit of the Future, spearheaded by the United Nations, is a pivotal global event that envisions a roadmap for addressing some of the most pressing issues humanity faces today. Scheduled to take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from September 22-25, 2024, the summit aims to spark critical dialogue and foster global cooperation to tackle challenges such as climate change, technological disruptions, inequalities, and health crises.

What Is the Summit of the Future?

The Summit of the Future addresses pressing global challenges such as climate change, technological disruption, inequalities, and pandemics. It aims to foster a reimagined form of cooperation known as Multilateralism 2.0, which is more inclusive, democratic, and responsive to today’s issues. The summit also focuses on reforming global governance to ensure equity and sustainability, and on developing resilient, forward-thinking policies in sectors like technology, health, and finance.

Key Agreements from the Summit of the Future

The Summit of the Future will also result in three major agreements aimed at addressing global challenges and ensuring a sustainable future:

1. Pact for the Future

This comprehensive agreement focuses on five key areas:

    • Peace and Security: Strengthening global peace efforts and conflict prevention.
    • Sustainable Development: Reaffirming commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
    • Youth and Future Generations: Ensuring the voices and needs of younger generations are prioritized.
    • Science and Technology: Leveraging innovation for sustainable progress.
    • Transforming Global Governance: Reforming international systems for equity and sustainability.
    2. Global Digital Compact

    Aims to bridge the digital divide, promote responsible technology use, and ensure ethical governance of emerging technologies like AI, benefiting all, especially marginalized communities.

    3. Declaration on Future Generations

    Focuses on safeguarding the rights and needs of future generations by promoting sustainable practices, intergenerational justice, and empowering youth to shape a better tomorrow.

      Why Should You Be Involved?

      Global challenges do not recognize borders. The problems we face today—climate disasters, cybersecurity threats, economic instability—affect all of us. The Summit of the Future is a call to action for people from all walks of life to get involved, whether through advocacy, grassroots movements, or innovative solutions. Here’s why your involvement matters:

      1. A Platform for Global Voices: This summit invites individuals and organizations worldwide to share their insights and contribute to the design of international frameworks.
      2. Solutions-Oriented Approach: Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, the summit is focused on practical solutions and innovative strategies to future-proof global systems.
      3. Empowerment of Local and Global Actors: It recognizes the power of both grassroots action and global leadership, encouraging partnerships that benefit both local communities and the international sphere.

      Being a part of the conversation means you can influence decisions and strategies that will impact generations to come. Whether through direct involvement, sharing your ideas, or simply staying informed, your engagement is vital.

      Ntha Foundation’s Role: Media Support for the Summit of the Future

      The Ntha Foundation is proud to have partnered with the UN Resident Coordinator’s office for Malawi to amplify the critical messages of the Summit of the Future. Through our media support, we worked tirelessly to broadcast the summit’s key discussions, ensuring that the importance of international cooperation was felt across Malawi and beyond. This collaboration is a reflection of our commitment to promoting sustainable development and ensuring that the voices of the Global South are well-represented in global forums.

      Our team was involved in producing a variety of digital content, interviews, and multimedia broadcasts to spread awareness about the summit’s objectives and outcomes. This partnership demonstrates our dedication to supporting platforms that push for positive change and encourage diverse participation in global governance.

      Watch and Learn More

      To dive deeper into the Summit of the Future and see firsthand the media efforts we contributed to, watch our exclusive video collaboration with the UN Resident Coordinator’s office for Malawi. In this video, you’ll learn more about the key themes discussed at the summit and the role of Malawi in shaping the global future.

      By engaging with this content, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of why this summit matters and how you can play a part in building a better tomorrow.


      The Summit of the Future offers a rare opportunity to rethink how we approach global challenges. It’s a time for bold ideas, new partnerships, and a commitment to a better world for all. Whether through direct participation or supporting initiatives like those of the Ntha Foundation, there are countless ways to be involved. The future is in our hands—together, we can shape it.

      Work With Us

      Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Business Development Associate; Ms. Abigail Zingani via, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.

      To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hubs under the Kwathu Kollective, our initiatives, and our projects, follow us on social media:




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