Organization Information
The African Union Youth Volunteer Corps (AU YVC), established in 2010, is a flagship continental Youth Leadership program that recruits trains an deploys young African professionals from all 55 AU Member States to serve as professional volunteers for a period of 12 months.
AU Values
• Respect for Diversity and Team Work • Think Africa Above all
• Transparency and Accountability • Integrity and Impartiality
• Efficiency and Professionalism • Information and Knowledge Sharing

Purpose of the African Union Youth Volunteer Corps (AUYVC)
AUYVC promotes volunteerism to deepen the status of young people in Africa as key actors in Africa’s development targets and goals, enhancing their participation in policy, programs and initiatives towards the realization of AU Agenda2063 – ‘The Africa We Want’. It brings people together to share skills, knowledge, creativity and learning to build a more integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Continent driven by its citizens. The concept is in line with the Decision of AU Head of States and Governments in Assembly/AU/Dec.274 (XVI) January 2010, to set up a Continental Volunteer initiative and to promote volunteerism to empower young people and accelerate Africa’s development.
Work With Us
Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Chief Operation Officer; Mr. Victor Caeser Gondwe via, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.
To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hub the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre, our initiatives and our projects, follow our social media pages: