Business Sub-grants | DIGITAL MALAWI PROJECT

On behalf of the Malawi Government through the Public Private Partnership Commission, Ntha Foundation, in the third phase of the World Bank fully-funded Digital Malawi Project, assisted young entrepreneurs by providing Business subgrants to outstanding entrepreneurs who will take part in the digital skills training and the Nyenyezi Fellowship program through the Bants2Business platform.

Read more about the Digital Malawi Project Impact here.

Through the Digital Malawi Project, the Bants2Business platform has seen three distinct editions – the agribiz edition, the edtech edition, and the smart cities edition. Each edition was curated to address specific sectors and challenges, tailored to empower young minds in the realms of agriculture, education technology, and urban innovation.

Agribiz Edition

The agribiz edition spotlighted the immense potential within Malawi’s agricultural landscape. It sought to equip budding entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to revolutionize the agricultural sector through digital solutions. From leveraging technology for better crop management to creating market linkages, this edition aimed to pave the way for a technologically advanced agricultural future.

EdTech Edition

Education technology became the focal point of the second edition. In a world increasingly reliant on digital learning, this edition aspired to foster groundbreaking innovations in the education sector. Entrepreneurs were encouraged to craft solutions that bridge gaps in education, enhancing accessibility and quality of learning through technology.

Smart Cities Edition

As urbanization continues to shape our societies, the smart cities edition took center stage, urging entrepreneurs to reimagine urban spaces through technological innovation. The focus here was on creating sustainable, efficient, and technologically integrated urban environments to address the challenges of modern city life.

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We continue to grow, and expand in our capacity and programmes, empowering talented, creative and innovative African youth.

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