Chulu Leads PSLCE Results | MANEB 2023

LILONGWE, MALAWI — The Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) has announced the results of the 2023 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) and Junior Certificate examinations.

Out of the 267,330 candidates who sat for the PSLCE exam, 234,644 have passed, representing an improved pass rate of 87.77% compared to last year’s rate of 83.24%.

The top ten performing districts in the Junior Certificate exams, in descending order, are Likoma, Phalombe, Zomba Urban, Zomba Rural, Chitipa, Mulanje, Ntchisi, Mzuzu City, Karonga, and Dedza.

For the PSLCE exams, the top ten performing districts are Nkhata Bay, Zomba Urban, Rumphi, Mzuzu City, Phalombe, Likoma, Zomba Rural, Mulanje, Dedza, and Thyolo.

The Minister of Education, Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima, commended MANEB and stakeholders for conducting leak-free exams, ensuring the integrity of the results.

The President of Malawi, H.E. Dr. Lazarus Chakwera hosts Alinafe Chulu at the State House in congratulations.

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