Rhoda Kamwaza works as the Managing Director at Ntha Foundation. She is completing her degree in financial accounting and the Malawi Catholic University. She joined the Ntha Foundation as a Finance Associate in June of 2021, and has played a key role is establishing the physical presence of the Ntha Foundation in our two Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centres (Lilongwe and Mangochi) in Malawi.
I joined the M’mawa Apprenticeship Programme because of the skill gap I had while working at my previous work place. I was struggling to come up with my desired results in a professional way, so when I saw the opening, I took it as an advantage to advance my skills in a professional manner, and also to work in my career path, since the experience I had was not inline with my career (finance and management).

Thus far, she has worked with close supervision and mentorship from Chimango Manduwi and Mike Masache – experienced finance and tax consultants.
I have learnt the following so far: bank reconciliation, Tax processes like computation of PAYE, and withholding tax. I have a great understanding in particular on how to work online using google drive and emails. I have learnt the spirit of team work – working closely with my colleagues. I have also learnt a few things in digital marketing skills, just to mention a few.
Rhoda hopes to learn more of Accounting software, because she is currently not great at them, and hopes to advance her skills in more accounting frameworks.
Her role model: Mary Mkosi
A quote she lives by: Anyone can become anything in life through hardwork, passion, determination, focus and putting God at the center of it all.

Work With Us
Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Business Development Associate; Ms. Abigail Zingani via contact@kwathucentre.org, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.
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