The theme for the International Literacy Day 2021 is ‘Literacy for a human-cantered recovery, Narrowing the digital divide.’

In the past two years, the world has been affected by COVID-19, as a result this has disrupted the learning of children, young people and adults. Therefore, with the pandemic in mind it was important to explore how literacy can contribute to building a solid foundation for a human-cantered recovery, with a special focus on digital skills.
Even in the times of global crisis, efforts have been made by Ntha Foundation to find alternative ways to ensure the continuity of learning, including distance learning, often in combination with in-person learning.
We have been able to achieve this by working with Digital Malawi and Digi Savvy.
Digi Savvy is a platform where you can get all the necessary skills to become digital savvy.
The courses are suitable for children, entrepreneurship and adults. Digi Savvy has ensured that access to literacy learning opportunities should not be distributed.
Acquire Skills – Anytime, Anywhere!