From 2021 to 2023 Ntha Foundation through the Digital Malawi Project trained 647 Malawian youth from Lilongwe and Mangochi, in Digital, Entrepreneurship and E-work Skills. Of the 647 trained, 60% of them are female and 40% are male. The majority of the youth trained were aged 17 and below, with about 55% of them being aged between 8 to 17 years of age and 45 % of them are aged between 18 to 35 years.

During the project Ntha Foundation held 3 networking and business sub grant awarding events under its platform Bant2Business. The three B2B events were the Agri-Biz Edition and EdTech Edition held in Lilongwe, as well as the Smart Cities Edition held in Mangochi. From these three events 9 entrepreneurs received business sub grants worth 7200 US dollars, with the 1st place winner receiving 1,000 US Dollars, 2nd place getting 800 US Dollars and 3rd place getting 600 US Dollars.
AgriBiz Edition
EdTech Edition
Smart Cities Edition
The Bants2Busines winners have managed to invest in equipment and spaces in order to start their businesses, with 2 already generating revenue of about 150,000 to 200,000 MW Kwacha and creating jobs to 2 individuals.
Alumni Growth

In regards to the school dropouts and entrepreneurs trained by Ntha Foundation, 30 have proceeded to start short courses that enhance their skills in ICT, 20 have started jobs as freelance graphic designers, photography apprentices and others employed as IT professionals.
Benjamin Nkhoma, an alumni based in Mchinji provided the following testimonial:
Some of what I was taught at KICC hub was: How the internet has changed from web 2.0 to Web 3.0, details on Blockchain technology, graphic design, website designing on WordPress and Wix, I appreciated what the Ntha Foundation and Digital Malawi are doing a lot of what we learn here, when we implement them, can really help us achieve far more than we imagined. Benjamin is currently working in an organization in the agriculture sector, utilizing his skills in block chain technology.
Another testimonial was from a parent of one of our trainees from the first cohort in 2021, who shared that her daughter (who was in our classes ranged between 13 to 17 years) gained knowledge and passion from being involved in the digital skills training classes, which led to her passing extremely well in computer studies in her MSCE and further pursue her passion for ICT by getting selected as an ICT student at one of the top universities in Malawi.
This story is of great testament of Ntha Foundation’s vision of bridging the digital gender divide and goal of Introducing children to digitalization and computers at an early age, which yields numerous positive impacts on their cognitive, educational, and social development, while also gaining insight on how to be cautious of cyber security threats. Exposure to educational software enhances problem-solving skills and memory, as well as cultivates digital literacy and proficiency in using digital tools, fostering creativity and preparing them for the technologically-driven future.
Work With Us
We continue to grow, and expand in our capacity and programmes, empowering talented, creative and innovative African youth.
Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Chief Operation Officer; Mr. Victor Caeser Gondwe via, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.
To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hub the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre, our initiatives and our projects, follow us on social media: