Malawi at the ICFP 2022 | Let’s Network!

Since the first ICFP in Kampala, Uganda in 2009, the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) has served as a strategic inflection point for the global reproductive health community, providing a global stage for countries, organizations, and individuals to make important commitments and celebrate achievements as the world’s largest scientific conference on family planning and reproductive health.

ICFP has become much more than a conference – it has grown into a platform for researchers, advocates, governments and communities; a movement towards achieving access to family planning for all; and a growing community guided by the spirit of partnership, inclusivity, innovation and scientific rigor.

As the larger family planning community looks “beyond 2020” to realign its goals and reposition for the future of family planning, ICFP 2022 will be a strategic benchmark as the community prepares to recommit to a goal of universal access by 2030.

Malawians are very much represented at the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning.

We at Ntha Foundation are also here, represented by our community manager, Victor Gondwe. Find out below on activities Malawians are engaging in and how you can catch up with them at the ICFP in Pattaya, Thailand!


Adolescent and Youth SRH during the COVID-19 pandemic | Youth and adolescent sexual and reproductive health during the COVID-19 pandemic November 15, 202211:50 AM – 01:10 PM(Asia/Bangkok) Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant and parenting adolescents’ access to sexual and reproductive health services in Malawi and Burkina Faso | The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the access of pregnant adolescents or mothers to sexual and reproductive health services in Malawi and Burkina Faso

Anthony Idowu Ajayi
Associate Research Scientist,APHRC

Alister Munthali
Center For Social Research, University Of MalawiChrissie Thakwalakwa
Center For Social Research, University Of MalawiNathalie Sawadogo
Senior Reader,Higher Institute of Population Sciences, Joseph Ki-Zerbo UniversityBoniface Ushie
Research Scientist,African Population And Health Research Center Caroline W. Kabiru
Population Dynamics And Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights Unit, African Population And Health Research Center, Manga Close, Nairobi, Kenya
Capacity Building and Preparedness for SRH in Emergencies | Renforcement de compétences et préparation aux urgences pour la SSR November 15, 202211:50 AM – 01:10 PM(Asia/Bangkok) Factors associated with long acting and short acting reversible contraceptives use among 10-24 year old youths in Lilongwe, Malawi: a case of ONSE Health Activity | Facteurs associés à l’utilisation de méthodes contraceptives réversibles à longue et courte durée d’action chez les jeunes de 10-24 ans à Lilongwe, au Malawi : Le cas de l’activité de santé ONSE

Technical Advisor,Management Sciences For Health
Evidence-Based Advocacy for Family Planning Budget Accountability | Le plaidoyer fondé sur les données pour la redevabilité budgétaire en matière de planification familiale November 15, 202211:50 AM – 01:10 PM(Asia/Bangkok) FP Budget Scorecard, a Game-Changer for Evidence-Based Advocacy in Malawi | La “Scorecard” sur le budget de la PF pour changer la donne du plaidoyer fondé sur des données probantes au Malawi

Wezi Mjojo
Acting Executive Director,Malawi Network Of AIDS Service Organisations (MANASO)
Identifying and Learning from Exemplar Countries in Family Planning to Achieve Universal Health Coverage | Identifier et apprendre des pays exemplaires en matière de planification familiale pour réussir la couverture sanitaire universelle November 15, 202210:15 AM – 11:35 AM(Asia/Bangkok) Identifying drivers of exemplary change in contraceptive use and demand satisfied in Malawi | Identifier les facteurs de changement exemplaires en termes d’utilisation contraceptive et de demande satisfaite au Malawi Research/Recherche

EZEliya Zulu
Executive Director,AFIDEP
Impact of intervention on contraceptive use | L’impact d’intervenir sur l’utilisation de la contraception November 15, 202210:15 AM – 11:35 AM(Asia/Bangkok) Does DMPA-SC for self-injection appeal to adolescents with unmet need for contraception in Malawi? | Le DMPA-SC via auto-injection est-il attrayant pour les adolescentes avec un besoin non satisfait de contraception au Malawi ?

Gracious Ali
Senior Program Associate,CHAI

Chelsey Porter
Technical Advisor, Research,Clinton Health Access InitiativeFBFrehiwot Getahun Birhanu
Senior Program Manager,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), MalawiJCJessie Chirwa
Family Planning Program Officer,Reproductive Health Directorate, Ministry Of Health, MalawiFKFANNIE KACHALE
Reproductive Health Directorate, Ministry Of Health, MalawiAGAndrews Wongani Gunda
Country Director,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)MSMelinda Stanley
Independent Consultant
Measuring the Demographic Dividend for Policy and Practice | Mesurer le dividende démographique pour la politique et la pratique November 15, 202202:40 PM – 04:00 PM(Asia/Bangkok) Family Planning and Female Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence from Urban Malawi | Planification familiale et main d’oeuvre féminine : Données expérimentales des zones urbaines du Malawi Presenters
Daniel Maggio
Ph.D. Candidate,Cornell University
Mahesh Karra
Assistant Professor Of Global Development Policy,Boston UniversityDCDavid Canning
Richard Saltonstall Professor Of Population Sciences And Professor Of Economics And International Health,Harvard University
Reaching men | Atteindre les hommes November 15, 202211:50 AM – 01:10 PM(Asia/Bangkok) “I will grow fat like a pig with sperm trapped inside”: Narratives on vasectomy among men, women, stakeholders, and service providers in Southern Malawi | “Je deviendrai gros comme un cochon avec mon sperme enfermé dedans”: Les discours sur la vasectomie chez les hommes, les femmes, les parties prenantes et les prestataires de santé dans le sud du Malawi

Tim Shand
Director,ShandClarke Consulting Ltd

Shema Tariq
Postdoctoral Fellow & Consultant In Sexual Health,UCL Sarah Hawkes
Director, Centre For Gender And Global Health,UCL David Dunn
Professor Of Medical Statistics,UCL Joseph Mpimphila
Save The Children Gospel Kanyama Collins Zamawe
Sexual well-being, health and pleasure | Well-being, health and sexual pleasure November 15, 202210:15AM – 11:35AM(Asia/Bangkok) A mixed methods approach to understanding the role of sexual pleasure in relationship happiness and perceived fertility in Malawi | A mixed methods approach to understanding the role of sexual pleasure in relationship happiness and perceived fertility in Malawi

Jessica Gipson
Professor And Bixby Chair Of Population And Reproductive Health,UCLA Fielding School Of Public Health
MBMarta Bornstein
Postdoctoral Scholar,The Ohio State University Anny Viloria Winnett
University Of California, Los Angeles Gomezgani Shaba
Umoyo Wa Thanzi Alison Norris
The Ohio State University
What are we learning about self-injection? | Qu’apprenons-nous sur l’auto-injection? November 15, 202210:15 AM – 11:35 AM(Asia/Bangkok) How can self-injection promote contraceptive agency?: A qualitative study of the potential of self-injection from the perspective of women in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, and Uganda | Comment l’auto-injection promeut-elle l’autonomie contraceptive ? Une étude qualitative du potentiel de l’auto-injection depuis la perspective des femmes au Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria et Ouganda

Martha Kamanga
Co-PI,Innovations For Choice And Autonomy

Kelsey Holt
Dr,University Of California San Francisco Mandayachepa Nyando
Co-PI,Innovations For Choice And AutonomyElizabeth Omoluabi
Executive Director,CRERD Serah Gitome
Clinical Research Scientist,Kenya Medical Research Institute Agnes Kayego Tamandani Jumbe
Malawi University Of Science And TechnologyLauren Suchman
University Of California, San FranciscoIICAN Research Consortium
What are we learning about self-injection? | Qu’apprenons-nous sur l’auto-injection? November 15, 202210:15 AM – 11:35 AM(Asia/Bangkok) PEACH Pattaya 17 Barriers and enablers of switching to DMPA-SC self-injection among existing injectable users in Malawi | Obstacles et facilitateurs du passage au DMPA-SC en auto-injection chez les utilisatrices existantes des injectables au Malawi

Frehiwot Getahun Birhanu
Senior Program Manager,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi

Chelsey Porter
Technical Advisor, Research,Clinton Health Access InitiativeGAGracious Ali
Senior Program Associate,CHAI Jessie Chirwa
Family Planning Program Officer,Reproductive Health Directorate, Ministry Of Health, Malawi FANNIE KACHALE
Reproductive Health Directorate, Ministry Of Health, Malawi Andrews Wongani Gunda
Country Director,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)MSMelinda Stanley
Independent Consultant
Sexual well-being, health and pleasure | Well-being, health and sexual pleasure | PEACH Pattaya 10

November 15, 202210:15 – 11:35(Asia/Bangkok)

“Contraceptives kill a man’s engine”: Exploring sexual pleasure and contraceptive use dynamics with Malawian men, women, and health providers | “Contraceptives Kill the Male Motor”: Exploring the Dynamics of Sexual Pleasure and Contraceptive Use Among Men, Women, and Health Providers in Malawi

Tim Shand
Director,ShandClarke Consulting Ltd

Shema Tariq
Postdoctoral Fellow & Consultant In Sexual Health,UCL
Sarah Hawkes
Director, Center For Gender And Global Health,UCL
David Dunn
Professor Of Medical Statistics,UCL
Joseph Mpimphila
Save The Children
Gospel Kanyama
Evaluation strategies to assess quality of care | Evaluation Strategies for Measuring Quality of Care | PEACH Pattaya 19

November 15, 202211:50 – 13:10(Asia/Bangkok)

Improving Client Satisfaction in a Family Planning Program in Malawi: A case for quality-of-care measurement | Improving Client Satisfaction in a Family Planning Program in Malawi: For a Measure of Quality of Care

Peter Mutanda
Technical Lead Quality Of Care, WISH2ACTION – International Planned Parenthood Federation,International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

Ayesha Ismail
Genesis Analytics,Genesis Analytics
Joyce Mumah
WISH Technical Lead, Monitoring And Evaluation,IPPF
Elizabeth Maliwichi
Quality Assurance Manager,Family Planning Association Of Malawi
Felix Humwa
Data Analyst,IPPF
Tamika Fellows
Capacity Building and Preparedness for SRH in Emergencies | Renforcement de compétences et préparation aux urgences pour la SSR | Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber B

November 15, 202211:50 – 13:10(Asia/Bangkok)

Factors associated with long acting and short acting reversible contraceptives use among 10-24 year old youths in Lilongwe, Malawi: a case of ONSE Health Activity | Facteurs associés à l’utilisation de méthodes contraceptives réversibles à longue et courte durée d’action chez les jeunes de 10-24 ans à Lilongwe, au Malawi : Le cas de l’activité de santé ONSE

Technical Advisor,Management Sciences For Health
The impacts of COVID-19 on FP and SRH | Les impacts de la COVID-19 sur la PF et la SSR | Grand Hotel Orchid Ballroom A

November 15, 202211:50 – 13:10(Asia/Bangkok)

Learning to protect family planning during future crises: A prospective longitudinal study on women’s experiences with family planning access and use during COVID-19 in Malawi, Nepal, Niger, and Uganda | Apprendre à protéger la planification familiale lors des futures crises : Une étude longitudinale prospective des expériences des femmes concernant l’accès et l’utilisation de la planification familiale pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 au Malawi, au Népal, au Niger et en Ouganda

Dinah Amongin
Lecturer,Makerere University School Of Public Health

Aurelie Brunie
Senior Research Lead,Family Health International (FHI 360)
Basant Thapa
Project Director,Family Health International (FHI 360)
Philip Mkandawire
Head Of Marketing And Research,PSI Malawi
Maimouna Doudou
Rawlance Ndejjo
Makerere University
Samantha Archie
FHI 360
Jamie Arkin
Gwyneth Austin
FHI 360
Poster Session 2 | Session posters 2 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 15, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Covid-19 and Accessibility of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malawi | La COVID-19 et l’accessibilité des services de santé sexuelle et reproductive au Malawi

Monica Patricia Malata
Kamuzu University Of Health Sciences

Effie Chipeta
Research Social Scientist,Kamuzu University Of Health Sciences (KUHES)
William Stones
Kamuzu University Of Health Sciences
Jasmit Shah
Aga Khan University
Ravi Ram
Michaela Mantel
Aga Khan University
Marleen Temmerman
The Aga Khan University
Poster Session 2 | Session posters 2 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 15, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Strengthening national ownership for quality improvement of family planning services through the Women’s Sexual Health Initiative in Pakistan Zambia Malawi Madagascar Uganda and Tanzania | Renforcer l’appropriation nationale de l’amélioration de la qualité des services de planification familiale à travers une initiative pour la santé sexuelle des femmes au Pakistan, en Zambie, au Malawi, à Madagascar, en Ouganda et en Tanzanie

Jeremiah Makula
Country Lead And Quality Improvement, Evidence And Accountability Advisor ,Options Tanzania

Onisoa Rindra Ralidera
Country Lead – Policy & Planning Advisor,Options WISH2ACTION Madagascar
Samia Hashim
Seminie Nyirenda
Ms,Options Consultancy Services Ltd
Royce Phiri
Ms,Options Consultancy Services Ltd
Robert Mutumba
Principal Medical Officer,Ministry Of Health
Oko Igado
Evidence And Accountability Advisor,Options Consultancy Limited
Measuring the Demographic Dividend for Policy and Practice | Mesurer le dividende démographique pour la politique et la pratique | PEACH Pattaya 10

November 15, 202214:40 – 16:00(Asia/Bangkok)

Family Planning and Female Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence from Urban Malawi | Planification familiale et main d’oeuvre féminine : Données expérimentales des zones urbaines du Malawi

Daniel Maggio
Ph.D. Candidate,Cornell University

Mahesh Karra
Assistant Professor Of Global Development Policy,Boston University
David Canning
Richard Saltonstall Professor Of Population Sciences And Professor Of Economics And International Health,Harvard University
Multi-country examinations of the impact of COVID-19 on family planning | Examiner l’impact de la COVID-19 sur la planification familiale dans plusieurs pays | PEACH Pattaya 15

November 15, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda | L’impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les services de santé sexuelle et reproductive au Burkina Faso, Kenya, Éthiopie, Malawi et Ouganda

Kenneth Juma
Research Officer,African Population And Health Research Center

Emmy Igonya
Associate Research Scientist,African Population And Health Research Center
Winstoun Muga
Research Officer,African Population And Health Research Center
Ruth Momanyi
Manager, Planned Parenthood Global Inc. Africa Regional Office ,Planned Parenthood Global Inc. Africa Regional Office
Graham Nyaberi
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer,Reproductive Health Network Kenya
Japheth Ogol
Research & Learning Advisor,IPAS Africa Alliance
Martin Onyango
Legal Officer,Center For Reproductive Rights
Boniface Ushie
Research Scientist,African Population And Health Research Center
A global SRHR self-care evidence agenda: A landscaping of current policy mapping strategies, measurement approaches, and evidence priorities for future research | Un programme mondial de données probantes sur l’autosoin en matière de DSSR : Paysage actuel des stratégies de cartographie des politiques, approches de mesure, et priorités de données pour la recherche future | PEACH Pattaya 4

November 15, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Understanding the Self-Care Landscape: Stakeholder and Policy Mapping Insights from Malawi, Mozambique, and Nepal | Comprendre la situation actuelle de l’autosoin : Perspectives sur la cartographie des parties prenantes et des politiques du Malawi, Mozambique et Népal

Kristen Little
Sr. Research Advisor,Population Services International
Digitalization and family planning | La numérisation et la planification familiale | PEACH Pattaya 11

November 15, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Digitally enabling end-to-end data visibility of family planning commodities in Malawi | Permettre la transparence numérique des commodités de planification familiale tout au long de la chaîne d’approvisionnement au Malawi

Simon Ndira
Malawi Country Representative,Cooper/Smith

Sara Hyde
Director – Knowledge And Performance Management,Cooper/Smith
Tyler Smith
Chief Technical Officer,Cooper/Smith
Trisha Long
Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition
Setting the stage for male methods of the future | Poser les bases des méthodes masculines de demain | PEACH Pattaya 3

November 15, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Men’s willingness to use and preferences for novel male contraceptive methods in Malawi | Préférences et volonté des hommes d’utiliser de nouvelles méthodes contraceptives pour hommes : Résultats d’une étude qualitative en milieu à faibles ressources en Inde

Ann Gottert
Associate II,Population Council

Sanyukta Mathur
Senior Associate,Population Council
Maud Lansiaux
Post-doctoral Researcher,Population Council
Jim Sailer
Executive Director, Center For Biomedical Research,Population Council
Lisa Haddad
Medical Director ,Population Council
Digital Supply Chain Innovations Improving Contraceptive Commodity Security | Ces innovations numériques de la chaîne d’approvisionnement qui améliorent la sécurité des commodités contraceptives | Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber B

November 15, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Unlocking systemic bottlenecks for sustainable FP/SRH commodity security in Malawi and Zambia | Débloquer les goulots d’étranglement pour la sécurité durable des commodités de PF/SSR au Malawi et en Zambie

Linet Nyapada
Regional Health Financing Specialist,Options Consultancy Services

Omar Mohamed
Regional Lead,Options Consultancy Services Ltd
Poster Session 4 | Session posters 4 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202210:00 – 12:00(Asia/Bangkok)

Strategies for delivering family planning services in the era of COVId-19 pandemic in rural Malawi | Stratégies de prestation des services de planification familiale à l’ère de la COVID-19 en milieu rural au Malawi

Jane Zgambo
Senior Programme Manager,PSI Malawi

Luwiza Puleni
Deputy Head Of Reproductive Health Department,Population Services International Malawi
Elizabeth Katunga Msukwa
Service Delivery And Capacity Building Manager,Population Services International Malawi
Frackson Shawa
M&E Advisor,PSI Malawi
Applications of Human-Centered Design (HCD) in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) | The application of human-centered design in sexual and reproductive health | PEACH Pattaya 4

November 16, 202210:15 – 11:35(Asia/Bangkok)

User-Centered Counseling in Contraceptive Decision-Making: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban Malawi | User-Centred Counseling in Contraceptive Decision-Making: Evidence from a Field Experience in Urban Malawi

Mahesh Karra
Assistant Professor Of Global Development Policy,Boston University

Kexin Zhang
Ph.D. Candidate In Economics,Boston University
Male involvement in family planning decisions | Involving men in family planning decisions | Grand Hotel Orchid Ballroom A

November 16, 202210:15 – 11:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Changes in spousal differences in educational attainment and modern contraceptive use: Evidence from Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda | Changes in intra-couple education differences and contraceptive use: Evidence from Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda

Monica Grant
teacher,University Of Wisconsin-Madison

Iris Zhao
PhD Student,University Of Wisconsin-Madison
Leveraging Partnerships | Les partenariats comme leviers | PEACH Pattaya 2

November 16, 202211:50 – 13:10(Asia/Bangkok

Participatory Bottleneck Analyses to Build District Health Systems Capacity for Family Planning and Universal Health Coverage in Malawi | Analyse des goulots d’étranglement de la participation pour renforcer la capacité des systèmes de santé des districts pour la planification familiale et la couverture sanitaire universelle au Malawi

Purava Joshi
Senior Associate, Sustainable Health Financing,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi

Ian Yoon
Senior Associate,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi
Stephanie Heung
Program Manager, Sustainable Health Financing,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi
Mihereteab Teshome Tebeje
Senior Program Manager, Health Systems Strengthening,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi
Eoghan Brady
Technical Director,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi
Frehiwot Getahun Birhanu
Senior Program Manager,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Malawi
Gift Kawalazira
Director Of Health And Social Services,Ministry Of Health, Government Of Malawi
Sam Sibakwe
Director Of Health And Social Services,Ministry Of Health, Government Of Malawi
Andrews Wongani Gunda
Country Director,Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Self-administered methods of contraception | Self-administered contraceptive methods| PEACH Pattaya 12

November 16, 202211:50 – 13:10(Asia/Bangkok)

Promoting self-care approaches through the use of DMPA-SC in Malawi | Promoting self-care approaches through the use of DMPA-SC in Malawi

Martha Kamanga
Co-PI,Innovations For Choice And Autonomy
Casting a wider net to reach young people | Chercher plus loin pour atteindre les jeunes | Grand Hotel Orchid Ballroom A

November 16, 202211:50 – 13:10(Asia/Bangkok)

Causes and prevalence of teenage pregnancy across specific settings of Ethiopia Kenya Malawi Zambia and Indonesia: insights from an evaluation of the Yes I Do programme (2016-2020) | Causes et prévalence des grossesses chez les adolescentes dans des contextes spécifiques en Éthiopie, au Kenya, au Malawi, en Zambie et en Indonésie : Perspectives d’une évaluation du programme “Yes I Do” (2016-2020)

Tasneem Kakal
SRHR Advisor,KIT Royal Tropical Institute

Maryse Kok
KIT Royal Tropical Institute
Jet Bastiani
Anke Van Der Kwaak
Msc.,KIT Royal Tropical Institute
Abeje Kassegne
Addis Ababa University
Joyce Olenja
University Of Nairobi
Alister Munthali
University Of Malawi
Joseph Zulu
University Of Zambia
Diana Pakasi
University Of Indonesia
Poster Session 5 | Session posters 5 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

End-to-end visibility in Malawi | Transparence de l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnemnt (E2E) au Malawi

Rose Madalitso Chikumbe Matambo
Principal Pharmacist/Logistics Officer,Malawi Ministry Of Health
Poster Session 5 | Session posters 5 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Integrating Family Planning Interventions into District Implementation Plans in Malawi | Intégrer les interventions de planification familiale aux plans de mise en oeuvre des districts du Malawi

Sandra Mapemba
Country Director,Palladium (HP+)

Sarah Pennington
Technical Advisor,The Palladium Group
Poster Session 5 | Session posters 5 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Making decisions beyond the partnership dyad: Familial and communal influences on contraceptive decision-making among women in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, and Nigeria | Prendre des décisions au-delà du couple : Les influences familiales et communautaires sur la prise de décision des femmes au Kenya, en Ouganda, au Malawi et au Nigeria

Lauren Suchman
University Of California, San Francisco

Awawu Grace Nmadu
Janelli Vallin
Senior Project Manager,Innovations For Choice And Autonomy
Dinah Amongin
Lecturer,Makerere University School Of Public Health
Ayobambo Jegede
Program Officer,Akena Plus Health/ ICAN-Project, Nigeria.
Betty Kaudha
Makerere University School Of Public Health
Innocencia Mtalimanja
Malawi University Of Science And Technology
Sarah Okumu
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Poster Session 5 | Session posters 5 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Integrating SRH and Economic Development to Empower Youth in Malawi | Intégrer la SSR au développement économique pour l’autonomisation des jeunes au Malawi

Sarah Pennington
Technical Advisor,The Palladium Group

Sandra Mapemba
Country Director,Palladium (HP+)
Poster Session 5 | Session posters 5 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202212:30 – 14:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Expanding Coverage of Family Planning Services: Mapping Geospatial Access to Family Planning Services in Malawi | Élargir la couverture des services de planification familiale : Cartographier l’accès géographique aux services de planification familiale au Malawi

Rachel Snow
Chief, Population And Development Branch,UNFPA

Sainan Zhang
Technical Specialist,UNFPA
Frankline Echerue
Technical Specialist, Population And Development,UNFPA
Mohamed Ahid
Desmond Koroma
Witness Chirinda
Impact of Covid on FP and SRH | L’impact de la COVID-19 sur la PF et la SSR | Grand Hotel Jomtien 1

November 16, 202214:40 – 16:00(Asia/Bangkok)

“The thought that I could continue with school got lost”: The impact of COVID-19 on the sexual and reproductive health of youth in Malawi | “L’idée que je pourrais continuer d’aller à l’école s’est évaporée”: L’impact de la COVID-19 sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive des jeunes au Malawi
Elikem Togo
UNC-Chapel Hill

Tawonga Mwase-Vuma
Research Fellow,Center For Social Research At University Of Malawi
Elizabeth Millar
Evaluation And Learning Technical Specialist,University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill
Esme Kadzamira
Center For Social Research At The University Of Malawi
Chrissie Thakwalakwa
Centre For Social Research, University Of Malawi
Milissa Markiewicz
Carolina Population Center At The University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill
Dadirai Mkombe
Center For Social Research At The University Of Malawi
Jessica Fehringer
Carolina Population Center At The University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill
Choices in counseling approaches – what works? | Choisir une approche de counseling : Qu’est-ce qui marche ? | PEACH Pattaya 5

November 16, 202214:40 – 16:00(Asia/Bangkok)

Does “Counseling for Choice” reduce discontinuation? Evidence from a quasi-experimental study in Malawi | Le “conseil pour le choix” réduit-il l’interruption de la contraception ? Données probantes d’une étude quasi-expérimentale au Malawi

Philip Mkandawire
Head Of Marketing And Research,PSI Malawi

Kendal Danna
Technical Advisor,PSI
Amanda Kalamar
Technical Director, Breakthrough RESEARCH,Population CouncilI
MInnocent Meja
MERL Advisor,PSI Malawi
Poster session 6 | Session posters 6 | PEACH Pre-function Area

November 16, 202215:30 – 17:30(Asia/Bangkok)

Pro-poor effects of social protection on adolescent women’s sexual and reproductive health determinants: evidence from Zimbabwe and Malawi | Les effets de la protection sociale des plus pauvres sur les déterminants de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescentes : Données probantes du Zimbabwe et du Malawi

Silinganisiwe Dzumbunu
PhD Student,University Of Cape Town
Special topics in quality of care | Sujets spéciaux sur la qualité des soins | Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber A

November 16, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Encouraging Family Planning Counseling that Promotes Meaningful Choice in Malawi | Encourager le conseil en planification familiale qui promeut le choix significatif au Malawi

Ely McElwee
Senior Behavioral Designer,Ideas42

Abigail Sellman
Senior Associate,Ideas42
Jana Smith
Rahin Khandker
Vice President,Ideas42
Positive Youth Development in Practice: Empowering Youth to Solve FP/SRHR and Development Challenges | Le développement positif des jeunes en pratique : L’autonomisation des jeunes pour relever les défis de PF/DSSR et développement | PEACH Pattaya 14

November 16, 202216:15 – 17:35(Asia/Bangkok)

Integrating Youth Entrepreneurship and Youth-Friendly FP/RH Services in Malawi | Intégrer l’entreprenariat des jeunes et les services de PF/SR “amis des junes” au Malawi

Sandra Mapemba
Country Director,Palladium (HP+)

Sarah Pennington
Technical Advisor,The Palladium Group
Pansi Katenga
Global Director of Development, Ipas

Topics: The intersection of climate and sexual and reproductive health, including access to abortion. Climate change is one of the defining crises of our time, and people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are affected by this crisis. The effects of climate change amount to a global public health, economic, humanitarian, and gender equality disaster.

Biography:Pansi Mihowa-Katenga is a Malawian national working as Ipas Global Director for Development at Ipas based in Malawi. She is responsible for donor and partnership cultivation and engagement to mobilize resources needed to deliver Ipas mission. Prior to taking this role in July 2021, Ms. Katenga was Country Director of Ipas in Malawi. She has previously held Senior management roles at Christian Aid, Adventist development and Relief Agency and United Nations agencies in Southern Africa and has working experience in Africa, Asia Pacific and Europe.

An international development expert with wide knowledge of programming specializing in resilience building, Sexual and reproductive health and women rights. Ms. Katenga is passionate about community upliftment especially among women and girls.

She believes in analyzing and addressing deep and structural issues that perpetuate inequality and injustices and believes in active citizenship and partnership in finding sustainable solutions. In this regard, she has supported formation, capacity building and mentorship of coalitions and networks in Malawi and Southern Africa in general.

Media Contact:
Noreen Fagan
Manager, Global Media Relations
(919) 945-4357
Tanaka ChiromboMalawi’s Adolescent Activist of the Year 2020

Tanaka Chirombo, Malawi’s Adolescent Activist of the year 2020, is a highly motivated young man who believes youths are at the epicentre of global health. Tanaka is a public health student at University of Livingstonia (Laws campus), a board member representing eastern and southern Africa on the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+) and he is on the Adolescent Treatment Coalition as a co-chair to affirm his commitment towards ensuring adolescent are also getting good quality care.

He is one of the two African Union Youth Charter Hustlers who has also been directly involved in the civic space as he is a graduate of the Next Generation Civil Society Leader’s Academy under the National Democratic Institution advocating for policy enforcement and implementation.
Jessica MandandaGender and Communications Specialist, International Youth Alliance for Family Planning; and For Equality

Jessica Mandanda is a Gender and Communications specialist with over 4 years of experience in development communications, movement building, and advocacy. She is a published writer with a passion for feminist activism, economic justice, and championing sexual and reproductive health and rights, and has published works with OSISA, Akina Mama Wa Afrika, African Women’s Development Fund, and Raising Our Voices. Her key achievements as an activist include sitting on panels regionally and globally including the Reykjavik Dialogues in November 2020 on Restorative, Transformative, and Community Justice; hosting the Africa Gender Equality Conference in May 2021, and supporting the Nigerian Women in Tech hackathon as a Judge in August 2021.

She serves as the Country Coordinator for the Girl Talk series under Choose Yourself Africa and is the Central Region Representative for the YALI Alumni Malawi Association.

She also serves as the Country Coordinator for the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning through which she has successfully secured two grants to implement projects on raising awareness on the urgent need for implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education including the legalization of Safe Abortion in Malawi.
She is a GRO-GEST Fellow, holding a Post Graduate Diploma in International Gender Studies, as well as a Young African Leaders Initiative Alumni (YALI), African Feminist Macroeconomics Academy Alumni and is an Alumni of the African Women Writers Workshop.

She is the editor of The Response and For Equality’s Communications and Campaign Lead.

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