We extend our warmest congratulations to the graduates of the M’mawa Management Training Program as they recently graduated from The Malawi University of Science and Technology. We are immensely proud of your achievements and look forward to witnessing the positive impact you will make in the world of business. Your success is a testament to the power of education, mentorship, and dedication.

Nomsa Nungu
Her experience at Ntha Foundation:
The team was very welcoming and they engaged both me and my interests. A highlight for me was working with Judith and being mentored by Nthanda on communications, a moment which made it clear to me that Nthanda had decided not to be selfish with her wealth. Instead, she created a space for everyone else to grow, enriching it with the right people to increase other people’s capacities. I am one of that benefitted from that, under the M’mawa Management Training.
Takondwa Namizinga
His experience at Ntha Foundation:
As I arrived at the Kwathu Centre and began to work, I quickly noticed its riveting allure. It was instantly clear that this was no ordinary workplace. Every employee is young and innovative and their ways of doing work are completely unorthodox. Every task is engaging; thought-provoking; stimulating. Not only are we solving real problems, but our ideas are actively considered and implemented.

Abdulraheem Gomani
His experience at Ntha Foundation:
I can confidently say that this is the place I want to be in for a long time. The people are friendly, the environment is eco-friendly, the interactions are good and most of all, everyone takes their roles very seriously by being productive. I look forward to becoming a beneficiary of this organization. The Ntha Foundation is a great place to start!
Alinafe Banda
Her experience at Ntha Foundation:
I was very excited about the opportunity. I recognized that this experience would expose me to the exact skills I need to survive in the work industry. Seeing as the founder of the organization Nthanda Manduwi is one of my role models, I saw this opportunity as a great way to learn about her work ethic and that of her team.

Elton Ng’ombe
His experience at Ntha Foundation:
As an intern I only thought being assigned to an organisation was just a continuation of school, I did not have many expectations in mind, I only took it as an opportunity to be in the work environment and continue learning, but when I got here at Ntha Foundation and felt the atmosphere, I had a feeling that it is a place that I would like to be for a while not just learn.
Angella Shumba
Her experience at Ntha Foundation:
I started my first day with high hopes, I was welcomed by a friendly team and I was convinced within myself that I am in a right place. The team explained to me everything I needed to know about Ntha Foundation and all my confusion was cleared.

Chikondi Tembo
Her experience at Ntha Foundation:
I was delighted to work with the Ntha foundation because being a product manager for B2B exposed me to different entrepreneurs who are experts in their fields.
As these graduates step out into the world, we have no doubt that they will continue to shine and bring positive change to their communities and beyond. The Ntha Foundation is committed to supporting them in their future endeavors, whether it’s through further education, mentorship, or providing resources to kick-start their entrepreneurial ventures.

Keep tabs on our official social media pages as we announce our new cohort of the M’mawa Management Training Programme soon!
Work With Us
Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Chief Operation Officer; Mr. Victor Caeser Gondwe via victor@kwathucentre.org, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.
To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hub the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre, our initiatives and our projects, follow us on social media: